AOL members want Nylon Stockings Back

By complete accident I ran across a great collection of 30 Things You Wish Could Make a Comeback on this morning. Amongst things to be expected in 2008 like cheap gas and old fashioned MTV (you know, when they actually showed music videos 24/7) we were delighted to see that nylon stockings made the list.

Now, we at StockinGirl already know that nylon stockings are back and have been for a while. So with one of those 30 items checked off - which should comeback next? My favorites from the list are rotary phones, drive-in movie theaters, coke in glass bottles, CBS Radio Mystery Theater, and big wheels.

See all 30 items here.


Unknown said…
Drive-in theatres are coming back. It seems that parents want their children to experience the joy. The newer sound technology at the the theatres also means more privacy, so that you aren't distracted by spoiled brats and ringing cell phones. You roll the windows up, and just adjust your car stereo. With the super systems that are installed these days, you'll be sure to get good quality sound.

It works the other way also.

If you have a child who isn't a brat, and doesn't like to keep quiet, then this is a way of seeing a movie without disturbing others.

It's the same with cell phones. If you have a cell phone that has to stay on, then you don't have to stay home to avoid disturbing other movie goers.

Often times, these movies offer 2 movies for the price of 1.
Unknown said…
That woman in the nylon stockings photo is very attractive.