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Stockingirl Featured in Henri Bendel's 5th Ave Window Display
Henri Bendel's recently picked up Stockingirl's line of printed opaque and fishnet leggings for their flagship store in New York. In their 5th Ave windows, they have featured Stockingirl's legwear, paired with various lengths of skirts, shorts, and pants, as well as on their own with a stylish belt. The leggings are also on showcased right as you walk in the door in their center main floor display.
Bendel's windows are known for exclaiming what is hip and fashionable at this moment. While black leggings have been an important trend this year thus far, Bendel's is declaring that the trend will continue, taking various forms in prints, fishnets, and varying lengths. Leggings are essential to complete an outfit this Spring and Summer; bare legs just won't do it.Stockingirl leggings are available on their website, in Henri Bendel's, and various better boutiques around the country.