WWD featured this look on the cover in April on a story about Heatherette. Striped tights or any opaque printed tights or sheer print pantyhose look super cute under denim. I like layering my pinstripe shorts with solid opaque tights or solid textured tights, like cable knits.
Leggings look fabulous under mini skirts, so why not under shorts? It works especially well for Spring when you want to stay cooler and and wear open toed sandals, while I think I'll go back to thick wool cables and boots under my shorts for Fall...I must like this shorts trend so much because I can show off my favorite legwear : )
Finally, someone has the nerve to say tights look great with shorts. Do they ever! Guys always look twice, or more, at ladies in tights with shorts, yet the fashion industry has persisted in the rule that tights are a no-no with shorts. Women look irresistably cute like this...I saw a 50ish woman recently in blue tights and shorts, and she looked absolutely fabulous.